Access your creative services assets with the Resources module.
The Resources module allows you to easily access your creative services assets from within the Songtradr Studio platform. These assets can include user guides, sonic branding one pagers, and playlists, among others.
To view the resources that have been shared with your account, begin by clicking on the Resources module (pictured below), located under Active modules on the Studio landing page.
Depending on the resources housed within your account, the contents of this section will vary:
- If no resources or assets have been shared, the page will be in an empty state, with a corresponding message indicating that nothing is available at that time.
- If only one (1) resource or asset has been shared, you will be taken directly to that resource or asset from the landing page upon clicking the Resources module.
- If you have multiple resources or assets shared, you will be taken to a list view of those same resources or assets, where you can then select from the content within. Each resource will have a title and description, along with an Updated date indicating the most recent date that specific resource was updated. Each resource will also have buttons on the righthand side, allowing you to either view the resource's page or copy a link to the resource.