Track Attributes

Use the Track Attributes feature to analyze data points on a specific track.

Songtradr Studio's extensive data allows you to get a detailed profile of each track, using the Track Attributes tool.

To begin using Track Attributes, log into Songtradr Studio homepage. Once logged in, click on the Studio Search module, located in the Active modules section (pictured below).

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Once you're on the Studio Search page, you will be able to view or search the pre-cleared music library (pictured below).

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When you have selected a track you're interested in, click on either the track's title (located in the Track Info column on the lefthand side of the screen) or the corresponding "three-dotted" icon (located on the righthand side of the screen).

Clicking on the "three-dotted" icon will provide you with a dropdown menu of track options, including the option to select Track attributes. Clicking on the track title will also take you to this section by default.

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Click on Track attributes. You will then be taken to the song's Track Overview page. Each Track Overview will provide you with four tabs (pictured below), located beneath the main track info.

Track Attributes Part 3

In the Track Profile tab, you will be able to view the following attributes: 

  • Dynamic Arc: A visualization of the dynamic energy of the song over time. The higher the arc, the more intense the song is.
  • Characteristics: An overview of the track's strongest features.
  • Genres: Genres that best describe this track on a broader level.
  • Sub Genres: Genres that best describe this track on a more granular level.
  • Mood Profile: The emotional characteristics of the track, as well as its predicted impact on the listener.

The Audience Prediction tab will allow you to view the following attributes: 

  • Characteristics: An overview of the track's strongest audience predictors.
  • Region Affinity: Regions where this track is predicted to perform best.
  • Gender Affinity: Gender proportion of listeners who are predicted to like this track.
  • Age Affinity: Age of listeners who are predicted to like this track.

The Visualizer tab will allow you to view the following attributes: 

  • Vocals: Timeline showing where vocals are present in the track, along with vocalist attributes.
  • Instrument: Timeline showing where certain instruments on the track are dominant.
  • Attribute Chart: Relative prevalence of tags over time.
  • Attribute Prevalence: A bar chart showing the overall strength of tags in the track, including tags such as bpm (beats per minute) and vocalist attributes. 
  • Regressional Attributes: A detailed view that displays the different characteristics of the track, including intensity or valence.